Branding and integration.

To integrate or not to integrate?

Want to use another solution for booking, or none at all? No problem! Inkpath can link users through to external booking, or act as a portal for any kind of event or suggested activity, bookable or not. How about integrating with a records system, HR system, or other piece of technology? Again, no problem! Inkpath can be used as a standalone platform or can easily pull from and send data to other systems when integrated. Our most popular integrations are for Single-Sign-On access and data warehouses and student record systems. Contact us to find out more.

Branding and white-labelling

Choose between generic Inkpath branding, with dark and light themes, or your own organisation-branded Inkpath portal, powered by Inkpath. Branding customisation options are extensive, including dedicated login screens, brand colours, brand marks and brand fonts.

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